Monday, March 28, 2011

google talk

Google talk makes it easier to talk with your friends through your e-mail. If you need to call someone and you have a mic on your computer you can just call them from your e-mail page and talk with them that way. You also Can use webcams and call each other if one of your friends is online. I like google talk because it makes it easier to reach your friends.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meez room

Friday, March 4, 2011

Domain Names

A domain name is a name of a website that you can purchase and own and only you can use. The only way other people can use it is if you sell it to them. It can be used for businesses, blogs, and other websites. A good website that you can go to to buy a domain name is! godaddy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


igoogle is a service of Google, is a customizable  startpage or personal web portal. One of the gadgets I added is the livestrong fitness tip of the day. I chose it because everytime you get on your igoogle page, it can give you a way you can improve your lifestyle.

Another gadget I chose is Frogger. I chose this gadget because whenever I log onto my igoogle page I can play it from any computer that im at.
Another gadget I chose is googlemaps. I got it so whenever I need directions to a certain location or if I want to see what an area looks like from above, I Can click on google maps.